Monday, 30 June 2014

Puravankara Projects Limited Complaints | Reviews

Purva Gainz in Hossur Road Bangalore is the first commercial project by the Puravankara Developers. Known for integrity, simplicity, and professionalism in the real estate, Puravankara developers has come up with a commercial project as per the burgeoning demands of Bangalore. Having a good experience with the builder and its previous reviews one would definitely wish to go for Purva Gainz in Hossur Road. The project Strategically located in Hossur Road close to Electronic City, the IT Hub of India’s Silicon City. This location is home of some of the largest IT organizations both globally as well as in India. Both the development and the location is ideally suitable for IT Services and Product Organizations. This Development has one single tower with 3 basements + Ground + 8 floors. The total approved height for this building is 38.30 metres with 466 car parking (74 surfaces and 392 basement). In a constant urge to innovate, Purvankara has always embraced the latest technology. These innovations have been appreciated by its customers since long and have gained positive reviews. Each and every project of Puravankara is a result of careful research and analysis of the customer’s complaints, and understanding of the current trends and the customers’ desires.

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